Friday, February 4, 2011

Something to keep us occupied during the blizzard!

We have had the Ikea lampshade on the hall light for over a year now. While redoing the bathroom I hit it with the shower curtain rod and broke it. For the last 6 months it has been up there broken. I wanted to replace it with something interesting then somewhere online I saw lamps made with cocktail umbrellas--A-HA! So I went to Party America and got 2 packages of umbrellas. Due to our crazy busy life they have sat there for another 4 months. We have had an unprecidented weather event here in Oklahoma, 15 inches of snow. We have small cars so since Tues we have been at home. Seems like a good time to do a time consuming project!
My daughter and I worked on this together, we painted the inside of the umbrellas with Mod Podge--then cut off most of the stick--stuck it on the lamp and put more Mod Podge on top. A bit tedious at times but easy.
I LOVE it!! It's a bit kooky but fits well in our house!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Little Word

I was inspired by Ali Edwards to choose a word for the year the past few years. Of course my horrible about sticking to stuff self did very little about it. This year I had planned on my word being Accomplish. The point of the word is to use it to inspire yourself through out the year on something you want to focus on. This year I have lots of things I want to accomplish.
Now I have a new word, something that meant more to me. A word that is not as snazzy I guess-a word that may inspire less art, but this word spoke to me so loudly I couldn't ignore it. Better--my inspiration for this word was from the BIL of Sen Giffords. In the wake of political rhetoric and blame(which on a side note I think is far less of an issue in this situation than the lack of focus on mental health in our society) He said "we are better than this, we can do better" This spoke to me on so many levels. It was something I needed to hear. I have tendency to come up with huge ideas, huge plans. I am the world's best starter! Finishing these grandiose visions, eh not so much. So I am just going to try to do better. I'm going to try to be a better person, a better wife, a better mother, a better friend , a better photographer...every day. Just always working towards who I want to be, to keep growing and changing. I can't keep with the promises to myself of being the most amazing at whatever I am doing, but I can be better than I was the day before. I ask this of my children all of the time, to just do THEIR best. So why can't I ask it of myself?
So this year my one little word---better

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Vera Bradley Inspired Wristlet

Rosie has wanted a little wristlet to carry her phone, ipod and a few other things in. I am just not willing to pay Vera Bradley $30 for one--plus they don't have 2 pockets. So we made one this weekend. I just used several wallet tutorials online for ideas. My zipper sewing skills need some work, but I still think it's cute!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Gymnastics is one of the most challenging situations to photograph. Low light, crowds, and fast movement, but it is still one of my favorite things to shoot. Freezing motion...a really fun challenge!

Blog changes

Well I am a multi-tasker by nature. But I am horrible about keeping up with a blog! So I have decided to combine them--photography, personal, artsy-craftsy and homeschooling!
Not sure of the name yet..hmmmmm....

Nov Wedding

I had the pleasure of shooting a small wedding in Collinsville. Wonderful and beautiful wedding. Loved the Bride and Grooms sense of style!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Senior G

What a sweet kid! A great smile!